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Every day we can hear lots of stories that the girl babies are killed by their parents, 90% of the murder no one can find, that much clandestinely do that. Sometimes some beside people inform to the police or government officer, in everyday news paper we can see lots, here I give two baby murdering which I collect from the news paper.
Every day we can hear lots of stories that the girl babies are killed by their parents, 90% of the murder no one can find, that much clandestinely do that. Sometimes some beside people inform to the police or government officer, in everyday news paper we can see lots, here I give two baby murdering which I collect from the news paper.
on January 2007 we heard a terrible story which is happened to a new born girl baby, just we bring it before you to pray for the people those who are doing the terrible things for the girl babies, the same thing is happening alover in India, Particularly in Tamil Nadu.
We read a real story from he news paper on 4th of January 2007, really our heart was broken, one mercy less parents put a girl baby in the dustbin, that village is exactly where we got our 3 babies, when I read this news in the news paper I called
my friend and asked him how it happen, he told that parents was expecting a boy baby, but they got a girl, so they decided to kill it, in the midnight when all the people are sleeping they brought the baby to the out side of thevillage and put in a dust pin, may be they will be killed it before they do that, because of the midnight no one see that, before the morning dogs came and ate the baby, “what a sad” in the morning when people see that they informed to the police, police came and asked the people who did this murder, no one answered, police warned them we will find who did this murder and put them in prison, and also they advised do not do this again, if you don’t want girl babies, please give to any baby homes, they will care them, then they took the left over death body for postmark .
We praise and thank God for he helps us to save this 4 babies from the same village, near by this village we conducted a awareness program for this baby murder, I shared the important of the girl babies and how much God loves the babies, many peopl
Killed a baby and hide infrond of the home
Then he told the truth, just newly they marriage, they were expecting a boy baby, but they got a girl baby, in his family no one like girl baby, if they care this baby brings lots of financial expensive when she grow, also she is curse to their family, so they tried to kill as soon as she born, but in the hospital many people was watching them, the 3rd day they discharge from the hospital and came to home, then they were discussing that what should do this baby and how we can kill! They tried put in the dustbin, some people was sitting there so they couldn’t do that, then they used different method,
In the midnight they give "poison to the baby", after 20 minutes baby died, then they dig in the earth and hide in front of the home. Her mother only gave the poison to the baby, she don’t like girl baby, (You see them in the picture, first one is baby’s Mother SELVI, second one is baby’s Father VADIVEL and the third one is baby’s Grandmother OCHAMMAL)
Next day morning when people ask us we gave wrong information; we don’t know who inform to the police, what a terrible thing! Police arrested three of them and put them in jail, they release baby’s mother, because only 6 days back she had delivery, after 2 weeks again arrest her and put in jail.
About the 3 pictures:
The first picute is the baby's mother showing to the police where and how they hide the death body of the baby. The second picture is: Baby's death body covering in a Covering in a plastic paper. The third picture is: Murderer, Baby's Father, Mother and Grandmother.
The first picute is the baby's mother showing to the police where and how they hide the death body of the baby. The second picture is: Baby's death body covering in a Covering in a plastic paper. The third picture is: Murderer, Baby's Father, Mother and Grandmother.
Even though still people are doing the same, we conduct some awareness program and talked with the people that how much God loves the babies, still we are working on that to change their foolish mind, please keep us in your prayer, we want to save the babies those who are dying by their parents, so far we have 4 lovely girl babies with us, really we are doing very hard work to care them, but God is strengthening us, we urge you to keep us in your prayer, we are praying for the financial needs, if God provide that, we will save many more babies and care them for God, we are sure that one day they will be a great testimony and be glorify God’s name,
Always we expect your input, advice and encouragement, if you read this link! Please write back something to us that will encourage us to keep moving to the kingdom of God.
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With love in Him,
Russal & Kumari.
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