1. 2007.07.26 Baby in the Dustbin from Rassual & Kumari
  2. 2007.07.11 from India.
  3. 2007.06.12 기억에 남는 성찬식
  4. 2007.04.09 From Griffins
  5. 2007.02.27 선교사님.. ㅠ.ㅠ

posted at

Every day we can hear lots of stories that the girl babies are killed by their parents, 90% of the murder no one can find, that much clandestinely do that. Sometimes some beside people inform to the police or government officer, in everyday news paper we can see lots, here I give two baby murdering which I collect from the news paper.

on January 2007 we heard a terrible story which is happened to a new born girl baby, just we bring it before you to pray for the people those who are doing the terrible things for the girl babies, the same thing is happening alover in India, Particularly in Tamil Nadu.

We read a real story from he news paper on 4th of January 2007, really our heart was broken, one mercy less parents put a girl baby in the dustbin, that village is exactly where we got our 3 babies, when I read this news in the news paper I called
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my friend and asked him how it happen, he told that parents was expecting a boy baby, but they got a girl, so they decided to kill it, in the midnight when all the people are sleeping they brought the baby to the out side of thevillage and put in a dust pin, may be they will be killed it before they do that, because of the midnight no one see that, before the morning dogs came and ate the baby, “what a sad” in the morning when people see that they informed to the police, police came and asked the people who did this murder, no one answered, police warned them we will find who did this murder and put them in prison, and also they advised do not do this again, if you don’t want girl babies, please give to any baby homes, they will care them, then they took the left over death body for postmark .

We praise and thank God for he helps us to save this 4 babies from the same village, near by this village we conducted a awareness program for this baby murder, I shared the important of the girl babies and how much God loves the babies, many peopl
사용자 삽입 이미지
e came and listened the program, again I want to conduct some more “Infanticide Eradication Awareness Programme” we are sure that one day God will change their mind and bring them into his kingdom, last time when we conducts this program, some people came forward and told this is very new things we heard, we will rise up against to this baby murder, “Praise the Lord”please keep us in your prayer, because of your prayer we could do this things for the Lord, we appreciate your heart, we need your prayer and encouragement, if y0u visit this link! please write back to us some thing from you, that will encourage us to keep moving into the kingdom of God.

Killed a baby and hide infrond of the home

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On June 2007 one family kiled a 4 days new born girl baby and hide infrond of the home, The neighbors asked them where your baby is. They told she died because of sick, we hide in the earth yesterday night, but the people understand that they killed the baby, whoever someone informed to the police, the next day morning police came to the house and asked the parents where you hide the baby, how she died? They gave some complicated answers; police didn’t believe, arrested the husband and asked him what you did for the baby?

사용자 삽입 이미지

Then he told the truth, just newly they marriage, they were expecting a boy baby, but they got a girl baby, in his family no one like girl baby, if they care this baby brings lots of financial expensive when she grow, also she is curse to their family, so they tried to kill as soon as she born, but in the hospital many people was watching them, the 3rd day they discharge from the hospital and came to home, then they were discussing that what should do this baby and how we can kill! They tried put in the dustbin, some people was sitting there so they couldn’t do that, then they used different method,
In the midnight they give "poison to the baby", after 20 minutes baby died, then they dig in the earth and hide in front of the home. Her mother only gave the poison to the baby, she don’t like girl baby, (You see them in the picture, first one is baby’s Mother SELVI, second one is baby’s Father VADIVEL and the third one is baby’s Grandmother OCHAMMAL)

Next day morning when people ask us we gave wrong information; we don’t know who inform to the police, what a terrible thing! Police arrested three of them and put them in jail, they release baby’s mother, because only 6 days back she had delivery, after 2 weeks again arrest her and put in jail.
About the 3 pictures:

The first picute is the baby's mother showing to the police where and how they hide the death body of the baby. The second picture is: Baby's death body covering in a Covering in a plastic paper. The third picture is: Murderer, Baby's Father, Mother and Grandmother.

Even though still people are doing the same, we conduct some awareness program and talked with the people that how much God loves the babies, still we are working on that to change their foolish mind, please keep us in your prayer, we want to save the babies those who are dying by their parents, so far we have 4 lovely girl babies with us, really we are doing very hard work to care them, but God is strengthening us, we urge you to keep us in your prayer, we are praying for the financial needs, if God provide that, we will save many more babies and care them for God, we are sure that one day they will be a great testimony and be glorify God’s name,

Always we expect your input, advice and encouragement, if you read this link! Please write back something to us that will encourage us to keep moving to the kingdom of God.
Here is our E-Mail ID:

With love in Him,
Russal & Kumari.

'God follower' 카테고리의 다른 글

백선교사님으로부터 온 기도요청 중 일부입니다.  (0) 2007.12.11
기도  (2) 2007.10.23
from India.  (0) 2007.07.11
기억에 남는 성찬식  (0) 2007.06.12
From Griffins  (0) 2007.04.09

from India.

God follower 2007. 7. 11. 15:34

It's from india.
I want you to pray for my friends' task to save more baby girls' life with the help of Holy Spirit.
And they need financial things so it would be better to pray the flowing of financial stuffs well.
whenever I hear God's doing through their sacrifices for saving life, I thank God and them.
they are really God's cooperators for spreading God's kingdom in this world.
bless all guys who visit my web site!
have a great day in God.

For supporting, click here!

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사용자 삽입 이미지

“New one 4 days Baby Jenifer”

 Dear Friends…

Greetings in Jesus name, hope you all doing well, this is our privilege to let you know that we saved one more girl baby’s life, “Praise the Lord”

As you well know we are saving newborn girl babies from the death, some district people of Tamil Nadu, killing their girl babies as soon as born, they believe that the girl baby is curse to their family, previously we saved “Four  girl babies” yesterday we got one more lovely girl, now we have 5 babies. 

Great Story about this new Baby:

From 20th to 23 of June 2007 I was in a baby murdering village called “Andipatty” 95% of the village people are Hindu, most of the people are killing their girl babies, no one can ask them why! We got this 5 th baby in the same village.

When I preach with them, In Jesus name I rebuke and notify very boldly, baby murdering is a sin as well as against the law, if you kill a baby government will punish you, sometime you can hide from government, but you can’t hide from God, always he is watching you, all the children belongs to God. More than 65 people was listening me, end of the meeting one family invite us to their home and treat with some tea and snacks, they told: most of this village people don’t like girl babies, every month we can see many babies dying, your sharing was very useful to us, from today I will talk to the people when they trying to kill the baby. Really I was so happy from them and return to my home. I leave my mobile number with them.

The same day night one family had a girl baby, according to their belief, if a girl baby born within June 17 to July 17, it not fit to their family and God, (read more) in Tamil that month call Aady, last year we got two babies in the same month (Grace and Angeline) both are doing well and growing fast “Praise the Lord” by the way, this couple was thinking to kill the baby, wife told: already we have two girls, so we no need one more girl,  also this baby born in “Aady” month, we kill her, but her husband told: before I come to the hospital one man came to our village and preached the baby murdering is sin, if you don’t want girl baby give to us, but do not kill, we can give to him, both decided and the next day morning the husband came to family where we had tea and snacks, he told we want to give our baby to that man who preached yesterday evening “Praise the Lord” that family called me and told everything,

After I come from the meeting, I had some dysentery, I was really sick, because too much travel without rest, Kumari also so busy with other 4 babies and really tired, we do not know what do! I asked him a favor, can you bring the baby to us for this time only, we are in very terrible situation, he told after an hour call me back, really we was praying and waiting for his phone call, as he told he called and told: we can’t bring in by bus or train, that is very hard, even we can’t get it, we hire a car and bring baby, you have to pay the bill, I agree and told them to hire a car and bring the baby safely, yesterday afternoon they reached our home with the baby, we paid 7,000 for car bill and paid 2,000 to that family, we value this precious baby more than money, she is so beauty and good health, just today we brought her to the hospital for the general checkup, she is alright.

We want to save many more babies lives like this, we urge you to keep us in your prayer, we have lots of financial needs, God has to  strengthen our financial status. Thanks for spent to your valuable time to go through this large mail, looking forward to hear from you…  

We love you and praying for you, 

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click here!

With love in Him, Russal-Kumari & Kids.

1-Grace 2-Angeline 3-Erika 4-Kelsey 5-Jenifer


'God follower' 카테고리의 다른 글

기도  (2) 2007.10.23
Baby in the Dustbin from Rassual & Kumari  (0) 2007.07.26
기억에 남는 성찬식  (0) 2007.06.12
From Griffins  (0) 2007.04.09
선교사님.. ㅠ.ㅠ  (0) 2007.02.27

사용자 삽입 이미지

일단은 어떤 신학적인 견해도 배제하면서 글을 쓰고자 한다.
위의 모습은 내가 *국에 있을 때의 예배 모습이다.
이 지역은 인도의 타밀지역 사람들이 많이 사는데, 알다시피 인도사람들은 힌두교적 생활에 익숙한 사람들이다.
힌두교라는 것이 종교적인 면에 많이 초점을 맞춘 것일 수도 있지만, 인도 사람들의 문화적 삶을 지칭하는 요소도 포함하고 있다.
종교라는 것이 그것을 믿고 안 믿고를 떠나서 그 나라 사람들에게 문화적으로 영향을 미쳐 생활적 측면에서 종교적 요소들을 찾아볼 수 있는 것이다.
힌두사람들에게 복음을 전하고, 하나님께 예배드릴 때, 그들의 문화적인 삶의 방식을 전혀 고려하지 않고 우리의 생각이나 방법대로 하는 것은 어떻게 보면 폭력이나 마찬가지이다.
이런 부분들은 미국이나 유럽에 초점을 맞춘 사람들이 다른 나라 사람들을 그보다 하위 단계의 지도받아야 할 대상으로 여기고 접근하는 정복적 방법과 비슷하다.

내가 이 예배에 참여했을 때, 위의 분은 성찬식을 야자(코코넛)열매
사용자 삽입 이미지
로 하셨다.
야자 열매 밑에다가 흰 대접을 갖다놓고, 야자열매를 들어 보여주며 이것은 주께서 우리를 위해 흘리신 보혈입니다.라고 이야기하면서 망치로 열매 중간을 탁 때렸다.
그랬더니 열매가 반으로 갈라지더니 그 안에 있던 물이 팍 쏟아져 나왔다.
이 모습에서 느껴졌던 것이 예수 그리스도가 우리를 위해 피흘리신 그 모습이다. 창으로 옆구리를 찔리셨을 때, 피가 흘러나왔던 그 모습이었다.

야자 열매 안 속에는 하얀 살이 있었다. 그 살을 떼어 주면서, 이것은 그리스도의 몸입니다.라고 말하였다.

머릿속으로 한 번 위의 장면들을 상상해 보시면 좋을 듯 싶네요.
어떤 생각이 드십니까? ^^;;;

'God follower' 카테고리의 다른 글

Baby in the Dustbin from Rassual & Kumari  (0) 2007.07.26
from India.  (0) 2007.07.11
From Griffins  (0) 2007.04.09
선교사님.. ㅠ.ㅠ  (0) 2007.02.27
Rick Warren, how to become a Christian...  (0) 2006.08.11

From Griffins

God follower 2007. 4. 9. 23:24
Family and Friends,
A late Happy Easter to you all! 
If you were (or are) paralyzed today and given a choice between complete physical healing or complete spiritual freedom, what would you choose?
As you all know, Jan has had an attack from her MS that has effected her eyesight and made it difficult for her to walk.  It has continued long enough for us to stop and ask God, "What is the root of this?"  We're not asking about the physical cause of MS, because nobody on earth knows that one.  We're asking, what inside do we need to deal with first?
We've spent several days reading through a book that is packed full of scripture and the basis for biblical freedom in our lives  titled "Foundations for Biblical Freedom".  The other day, after we had read several sections that hit Jan head-on, we spent an hour or more praying through and releasing lots of "stuff".  As we were praying, the story came to mind of the paralytic who was lowered through the roof for Jesus to heal. I felt like we had just gone through a similar experience, but I also felt like we understood more now.
You all remember the story in Mark 2 where friends of a man lowered him through a roof in order to get him close enough to be healed.  They were all desperate for physical healing.  Jesus said, "Your sins are forgiven."  It doesn't say this in the Bible, but I believe the paralyzed man began to cry.  Why?  Because at that moment he felt a tremendous burden lifted from his back and a peace that he had never known before.
Jan came to this point last week.  After spending hours reading and praying, she said that she felt just like the guy in the movie 'The Mission' when he finally had all of his burdens cut lose from him and cast down the ravine.  Yes, she cried a lot.  She is seeking Christ for physical healing, but the spiritual healing is a first step and is amazing!
As Jesus had forgiven the sins of the paralytic, his tears could have easily been misunderstood as sorrow.  Here's a guy who wants to walk and Jesus ONLY forgives his sins (as if that is not enough!).  The people in the room were perhaps even thinking, "How mean of Jesus to torture this guy.  He obviously wants to walk."  What they didn't know was at that moment this crying man was actually flying!
The cool part of all this is that God doesn't give us the choice that I posed at the start.  He offers us a much better option; we can be healed inside and out or remain in bondage inside and out.  We're continuing down the route that makes sense.  Jan is experiencing a lot of inner healing right now. 
We covet your prayers as we continue on.

'God follower' 카테고리의 다른 글

from India.  (0) 2007.07.11
기억에 남는 성찬식  (0) 2007.06.12
선교사님.. ㅠ.ㅠ  (0) 2007.02.27
Rick Warren, how to become a Christian...  (0) 2006.08.11
YWAM team 2005 DTS fall outreach in India  (0) 2006.08.11

말레이시아에서 알게 된 C, L 선교사님들...
그 분들은 다 자비량 선교를 하신다. 재정적으로 어떻게 보면 힘드신 분들이다.
얼마전 L선교사님이 우리 집에 다녀갔다.
그런데 재정을 우리에게 flowing 하고 하셨다. 그 분도 돈이 없으신 분인데, 우리에게 재정을 나누어 주시는 것을 보고 할 말이 없을만큼 너무 큰 사랑과 하나님의 은혜를 느꼈다.
C 선교사님으로부터 메일이 왔다. 내 대학원 등록금을 걱정하시면서 후원해 주시겠다고 계좌를 불러달라고 하셨다. ㅠ.ㅠ

오히려 내가 도와 드려야할 선교사님들이신데, 우리 가정을 걱정해 주시고 기도해 주시고 물질적으로 도와주시는 것들을 보면서 마음 한 곳이 저리고 눈물이 나올 뻔 했다.

저에게도 재정의 사용에 대한 바른 하나님의 가치관을 심어주시고, 세상의 많은 어려운 사람들을 돕는 사람이 될 수 있도록 인도하여 주세요.
그 선교사님들에게 하나님께서 평생 재정적인 것들이 끊어지지 않으며 차고 넘쳐서 주체할 수 없을만큼 부어 주시고, 그 사역가운데 어려운 사람들에게 하나님의 사랑을 전하고 복음을 전하는데 어려움 없도록 하여 주세요.

내가 지금 할 수 있는 건 기도다. ㅠ.ㅠ

'God follower' 카테고리의 다른 글

기억에 남는 성찬식  (0) 2007.06.12
From Griffins  (0) 2007.04.09
Rick Warren, how to become a Christian...  (0) 2006.08.11
YWAM team 2005 DTS fall outreach in India  (0) 2006.08.11
인도에서 러셀 부부  (0) 2006.08.11